After announcing the upcoming release of Pakistan’s first HD Urdu language animated feature film titled ‘3 Bahadur’, Karachi based production house SOC Films has launched a series of short documentaries titled ‘I Heart Karachi’, which chronicles the individuals who put their lives at risk in the line of duty for others. The documentaries were exclusively premiered at Nueplex Cinemas on 28th August 2014 to much acclaim. I Heart Karachi will also be exhibited by SOC Films through private screenings which will be held towards the end of August and early September 2014. The series is being screened in select government and private schools and colleges after which it will be aired through major broadcast channels nationwide.
At the premiere Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy addressed a packed house where she briefly talked about the work and efforts of her venture SOC Films while introducing her team and the documentary subjects. The audience also experienced an exclusive preview of SOC Films’ upcoming projects; Sachal Studios, Humaira 2 and Teen [3] Bahadur. Haya Fatima Iqbal, the producer for I Heart Karachi, then welcomed the documentary subjects Dr. Seemin Jamali, Shahid Anjum and Abid Farooq to the podium where they talked of their work experiences of their respective fields.
The ‘I Heart Karachi’ documentary series consists of 5 short films highlighting the struggles of Karachiites who risk their lives every day to make the city a better place to live. The unique series celebrates the efforts of these individuals who work in some of the most violence-prone areas of Karachi yet actively respond to violent extremism through positive action. These individuals include Dr. Seemin Jamali, head of emergency at JPMC; Zafar Ahmed, firefighter; Shahid Anjum, crime reporter for Abb Takk News; Naseem Muneer (late), polio worker; and Abid Farooq, bomb disposal squad in-charge of the West zone.
Speaking about the new series, Film and TV Director Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy said, “’I Heart Karachi’ has been a very special project for me. Karachi is my hometown and I have witnessed firsthand the increase in violence over the years. But this is a city that defies all odds and the collective resilience of its people is further highlighted through the extraordinary efforts of these five individuals who put their lives on the line everyday as they step out of the comfort of their homes into a world of chaos.”
"It’s amazing how much these unsung heroes have sacrificed for us and how little we know about them. It is important for us to celebrate their efforts because they are the people who make Karachi livable." said Asad Faruqi, Director of Photography for I Heart Karachi.
"They say the pace of Karachi is faster than the rest of Pakistan. We talk fast, we walk fast, and we get things done fast. We get angry quickly, but we also forgive and move on easily. While a part of us takes pride in being this way, we sometimes need to pause. We need to pause and acknowledge the efforts of the people who always manage to maintain relative peace in the chaos of Karachi. I Heart Karachi is our way of saying "thank you" to all such people." said Haya Fatima Iqbal, the producer for I Heart Karachi.
SOC Films new documentary series I Heart Karachi pays tribute to the unsung heroes of Karachi.