Parenting includes such diverse things from feeding them to teaching those manners to making sure they are social to make them study. Handwriting is also one of the most important things that parents need to teach their children. A trend is often seen that whichever parent is helping the child with his studies, the child adopt their handwriting. The technology is moving ahead with the speed of light. Instead of notebooks kids have started taking ipads to school but that does not mean that the handwriting is obsolete and parents should stop focusing on that. Handwriting tells a lot about a person’s personality and the way he thinks.
There are a lot of things that can be done in order to improve child’s handwriting. Practice is what makes the handwriting perfect. The kids run away from practice because they find it pretty boring. Try and make writing practice fun by giving your child a new pencil, a colored or a one with a rainbow on it. Instead of simply asking the child to copy and practice give them a theme to go around with or play hangman. Gone are the days when children were taught handwriting by practice books.
Handwriting skills are more of motor skills. A child’s handwriting can only get better if he understand how to hold a pencil, posture, and control and dexterity coordination. Encourage your child to draw and solve puzzles. The idea is to get them familiar with holding the pencil and for them to have a grip on it.
No matter how fast growing the technology is these days but it is still extremely important for a child to know how to write. A good handwriting pays a lifetime. Here are some easy steps for parents to improve child’s handwriting.