The fashion show is presented by the Imani Studio with a fund raising aim for Medical Aid to Pakistan Gala Dinner. Asifa and Nabeel are Pakistan’s renowned designers who have not only take a hold on the Pakistani fashion industry but also made also captures international markets successfully.
Asifa and nabeel designer line up at spectacular Fashion Show, London and showcased their fall mind blowing collection. The main theme observed in all the dresses are mostly fawn (skin color) which is combined with other bright colors to make it brighter and eye catchy.
The colors mostly seen on the ramp includes mehroon, navy blue, red, orange, black, green shocking pink etc. the dresses were embellished with sequins, gems, beads, dupka, salma sitara on refined chiffon fabric with slight use of velvet on their edges. The collection included flurry frocks, a line frocks, Long shirts, along with Q lots were the IN look all for this fall bridal collection.
The dresses were fully detailed with cutworks and sequins; most of the detailing was done at shoulders and neck area and shirts border. The clothes overall has attractive and sophisticated appeal. The photography is done by Zuby Nash under the banner of shahid Malik events international. The red carpet reception took place before the event from 6pm till 7pm sharp.
Models wore jewelry by Yash bespoke whereas the beautifying the fashion models hair style is done by the famous hair stylist Shamala. To match with the dress theme The makeup is done by saamia khan. This truly reflects her efforts to make models look alluring. Lastly, the key person who has made all the things go flawlessly right from managing models to stylists, photographers, makeup artists and hair stylist is the creative director Zaf Shabir.
Asifa and Nabeel recently exhibited their exclusive bridal collection in a fashion show held in London.
1. Asifa & Nabeel Fashion Show for Medical Aid Pakistan
Asifa and Nabeel recently exhibited their exclusive bridal collection in a fashion show held in London.