This research paper is an overview of how one can improve playing golf and a few guidelines on how to perfect this sport as well as maintain good scores in the sports world. A sport for some is an extra-curriculum activity, while for others it is a profession and others do it for leisure. There are many sports activities one can carry out like football, basketball, rugby and many others. In all these activities there is one single element that exists in those who take part in these activities and that is making a score. However this is more essential in the world of golf where a slight knock on the ball can cause a positive or negative impact.
As it has been said for ages, one can only reap from what he has sown therefore for golf to bring satisfaction to those who play it, a good amount of time must be invested in practice .This must be done over and over again for great results to be attained. It is hard to consider playing after concluding a round but actually this is the best time for one to consider practicing .This is because during this time one can still memorize all the faults that he or she carried out while on the field and correct them. Secondly this is the best time to practice as one is still fresh and fit to exercise thus can easily play. However if it troubles one to practice at such times, there will be problems as person will not be able to correct his or her faults.
In order for one to excel at playing this game, creation of actual situations or existent situations should be carried out so as to remember what one did and thus get ways of doing better. In golf, it is important to labor striking balls form every position one can think of so as to know which positions are good and those that are not. In addition to the above, one can imagine himself hitting the ball in the right way and thus causing score this is because success begins form one’s mind. Positive thinking while playing or not is therefore is a great requirement .This can be done in one’s free time. This must be done while in a stress free mood.
While playing golf, focus on that which you are doing rather than doing it aimlessly. This also requires resting between intervals so as not to get fatigued and tired. If all these steps are followed while person is playing or before playing there will be a change in the way you play this game as well as an improvement.
This research paper is an overview of how one can improve playing golf and a few guidelines on how to perfect this sport as well as maintain good scores in the sports world.