A dimple shaped golf balls can be used far and wide. A dimple shaped golf ball makes it a worthy focus of reflexology. The hand reflexology emphasis on various pressure points which are common in the fields of acupressure and acupuncture.
Reflexology is used to reduce the sinus pressure, migraine headaches, asthmatic symptoms and allergies. The movement of the hands help to improve the energy flow and reduce symptoms of certain ailments.
The best way to utilise this reflexology in golf is to interlock your fingers and clasp both hands together with the golf ball between the palms. Roll the golf ball between your palms, covering as much surface areas of your hands as possible.
You don’t have to apply pressure as the dimples and air pockets do this instead in a natural and relaxing fashion.
While following the reflexology techniques in golf, you control the ball between your palms and fingers you, should feel tension leave your hands.
As an alternative medicine method, it may reduce the amount of medication you need to take, preventing drowsiness or stomach upset. When you decide to use hand reflexology in golf, talk to your doctor.
A dimple shaped golf balls can be used far and wide. A dimple shaped golf ball makes it a worthy focus of reflexology. The hand reflexology emphasis on various pressure points which are common in the fields of acupressure and acupuncture.