Tough mudder is an endurance event in which participants have to reach a specific destination after facing long military style obstacles. It is more dangerous than it seems to be. Obstacles are usually in the form of fire, water and heights. By seeing the interest of participants, tough mudder has become the world’s fastest growing adventure.
For a mudder, it is all about taking on the obstacles in their life and a sense of accomplishment when they overcome them to reach to their final destination. A mudder has to face mental, physical and emotional challenges. For overcoming the obstacles, participants have to be strong enough and must have stamina and energy. Here are five most deceiving tough mudder obstacles have a look.
1. Arctic enema:
Arctic enema is an obstacle which is all about mental grit. Participants have to jump into the floating icebergs. Once submerged in ice, they have to find the mental and physical strength to swim through the ice and go under a wooden plank. A participant has to pull himself to the other end before freezing entire body. It is very challenging to swim in cold icy water and reach to the destination before freezing entire body.
2. Dong dangler:
It is one of the toughest mudder obstacles. The name of this obstacle became famous because it is almost impossible to conquer the adventure without getting half submerged into an icy pool of water. In this obstacle, one has to pass on to the other end of the area with just one slippery rope to hold on to.
3. Hanging tough:
It seems to be the most dangerous and toughest obstacle. It is harder than it seems. In this obstacle participants have to swing across a pit of icy water, grabbing rings greased in oil and hanging four to six feet apart. One must keep moving or face a plunge into muddy water below.To go through this obstacle one has to be strong enough and must have strong muscles.
4. Twinkle toes:
This obstacle is not as simple as it sounds. It is all about balance. In this obstacle, one has to call upon his inner chi to maintain balance and carefully transverse a narrow wooden beam or risk falling in yet another ice laden pound. The participants should not only be strong and have stamina but also should have the ability of maintaining balance and agility.
5. Dark lightning:
A participant might not be afraid of the dark but a crawl through dark area can offers a variety of surprises. A lot of challenges have to face by participants like foot in the face from a mudder in front of you. And the most challenging and scary element is that participant has to complete the task. Once he enters in, there is no way out but the other side. Only few are able to reach to the destination without panicking.
These obstacles can be in the form of fear such as fire, water and height. Sometimes easiest looking obstacles can cause the biggest trouble for mudder. I have mentioned five most deceiving tough mudder obstacles which are seems to be easy and simple but