Your baby’s bowel and constipation are a serious matter; mothers should not take it easy. Baby bowels are different in each child and sometimes parents worry a lot and in the end it’s nothing. Every mother should take care of her baby bowel as this is the only way to know about constipation.
Children who are very small usually go through this problem. Your baby’s bowel and constipation become a serious matter because sometimes it leads to other serious problems. The baby bowel movement is different, bowl moreover depends on how much feed the child is taking, in some cases baby passes stool after every feed and it also depends on how much time the baby digest the food.
For your baby’s bowel and constipation, one should take care of couples of things such as less bowel movement or if baby is passing hard or dry stool, these clues are the best way to find out about constipation. Women who are well trained they find out the baby’s bowel and constipation in a different way through some visible signs. Babies cry and get cranky, sometimes there is a blood in the diaper and in some cases babies don’t sleep.
The major cause of the baby’s bowel and constipation is switching from breast milk to formula milk, this case is very common in just few weeks baby and then it happens when babies start taking solids. Breast milk is perfect diet and it always makes that stool which is soft. Whenever they eat something, constipation can take place.
Make sure that the baby takes enough fluid to avoid dehydration. Also give your baby water, it is good for the system and it is the best way to avoid constipation. One brand of formula milk is not for every child it is if your baby is having constipation ask the doctor to give some other formula milk that suites the baby.
Constipation can also take place if you are not making the formula milk in the correct order, don’t make it too thick. Try giving those formula milk to the baby which has probiotics, it is that food which helps to make friendly bacteria in the baby’s body and thus help to fight against the constipation. Always check the ingredients of the formula milk before buying.
In many cases baby’s bowel and constipation is due to medicines. Now day’s babies are always taking medicines. Take care of the kids and make sure they don’t need to take medicines. One thing which helps against constipation is that while the baby is just taking milk you should give water many times a day; this will help the baby to digest easily.
Baby’s bowel and constipation are also due to eating lots of rice cereals and cheese, make sure baby eats yogurt. Some babies are constantly having constipation so mothers should ask the doctor to add flax oil in the formula milk to avoid constipation. Mothers should make sure that a child plays fully such as bicycle the legs, it helps a lot.
Baby’s bowel and constipation can also be treated if you massage the belly of baby in circular motion and in outward. Take some oil and then do the massages it helps a lot and baby feel relax. Baby’s love to take baths and they enjoy a lot of water. If baby is having constipation the warm bath is the best idea, this way baby’s gets to relax. After the bath make sure that you put Vaseline in the baby’s anus, this way baby’s will feel less pain while passing out the stool.
Baby’s bowel and constipation can also take place in some baby’s when they change their surroundings such as change of country. This is a very common cause and in many cases when kids are told to be potty trained they get constipation by fear of using the pot. Baby’s bowel and constipation is actually very difficult for the mothers, so mothers should take care of them.
Baby bowel and constipation becomes a serious issue if mother doesn’t take it seriously at the start. Babies are very sensitive and every baby has these issues because of the diet and environment. To avoid constipation one should always take care of the