Be a mother is blessing of Almighty Allah indeed. Being a mother is an amazing experience but who know it can be very beneficial for you. There are plenty of perks for having kids besides your precious little angels. Have you ever think that being a mother not merely lie heaven under your feet but can also make you healthiest?
Some of the changes that come with childbirth are actually good for your health, body, mind and even your sex life. The health benefits of motherhood and pregnancy are more than troubles that a mother has to face in growing up her child.
Decrease ovarian cancer
The women who give birth to a baby have decreased of ovarian cancer. Women who have given birth to baby are less likely to have ovarian cancer than those who have not due to fewer ovulation cycles. The hormonal changes that occur during pregnancy and breastfeeding keep you away from breast cancer and ovarian cancer.
Extra care of yourself
One of the biggest perk of motherhood is that you get an opportunity to really focus on your own well being. During pregnancy, regular visit to your doctor helps you to give extra attention to your diet and other things.
Lower risks of diabetes
Being a mother can result in decreased risks of diabetes. Breastfeeding alters metabolism and help in keeping blood sugar levels stable which lower the risk of type 2 diabetes.
Reduction in breast cancer
After having babies, breast cancer risks reduce in a mother. Multiple pregnancies lower the risk of breast cancer mainly because of changes in breast tissue. Breastfeeding also contributes a lot in protecting you against breast cancer risks.
Easy periods
Having baby may bring you some relief in monthly periods. Menstrual cramps are much less painful or even nonexistent after the birth of first baby. If your menstrual cramps become severe and don’t get better after baby’s birth then you must talk to your doctor about this.
Better sex life
Hormonal changes after being mother boost your sex drive. After giving birth to baby make it easier for you to reach orgasm.
Boost your mental power
Hormonal changes surrounding birth have also proved to be in boosting your learning and memory power. Hormonal changes during pregnancy may boost area of the brain that control learning and memory charger. This can be the best thing for a mother especially concerning her babies as she has gained mom experience.
Save you from heart diseases
Heart problem is very common in women but studies has suggested that women who gave birth to babies for four or more times were about half as likely to die from stroke than those with fewer or no pregnancies. The best benefit of motherhood is that it saves you from heart diseases.
Positive changes in mood
After becoming a mother, you may feel some positive changes in your behavior and attitude. You are also likely to feel feelings of love and many other good feelings whenever you see or hold your little angel. This all is because of hormone oxytocin which plays a big role in strengthening this bonding.
Having kids can bring a lot of benefits for you. Motherhood is good for you have been proved in a number of ways. Changes that come with childbirth and during pregnancy are actually good for your health, mind and body and even for your personal life. Bein