As the society is changing rapidly, people are getting more awareness. The rapid changes and advancements in social behavior have forced the parents of today to become fully aware with the revolutions in society in order to protect their children. As people are getting awareness, the concerns regarding teens’ health have also become one of the major issues.
When it comes to teens’ health, it has been noticed that parents of teens are opting out of HPV Vaccine to save their children from severe consequences. According to latest medical research, HPV vaccine can prevent cervical cancer and it is therefore recommended by the Centers of Disease Control & Prevention for 11 or 12-year-olds teens.
It has been found in latest study that many parents of teens are now opting out of HPV vaccine for their kids, as they want their child to live happily and healthy in their mature age. As per the study, the number of parents who are opting out of the HPV vaccine for their teen children has certainly increasing from the past years. From the year 2008 to 2010, the percentage of parents opting out of the HPV vaccine has climbed from 39.8 percent to 43.9 percent.
It has been observed in the study that safety concerns are one of the main reason teens’ parents skip it. After realizing the importance of the HPV vaccine, the number of teens’ parents who expressed concern over the vaccine’s safety more than tripled from the past four years.
There are different reasons for which teens’ parents don’t vaccinate their adolescents for HPV vaccine. Usually the parents miss out HPV vaccine as they drop off checkups of their kids at teenage. On the other hand, many parents don’t understand the importance of HPV vaccine as they don’t know it is recommended for all the teens. According to the study, teens’ parents also miss out HPV vaccine as they think it’s not necessary because their child is not physically active.
HPV vaccine is in fact a strong weapon for all the teens’ parents to protect against Human papillomavirus (HPV) infection and to prevent several types of cancer in our kids. It is recommended that all the preteen girls and boys should get the HPV vaccine. There are total three doses of an HPV vaccine over a period of 6 months which should be completed in the young girls and boys before their first physical contact, so that they have time to develop protection from the vaccine.
It is emphasized to take HPV vaccine shots in the preteen age as this is the best time when the vaccine will work, since the teens have a better immune response from the vaccine in comparison to the older teens. If the older teen or young adult (ages 13 to 26 years old) have missed the HPV vaccine shots at their preteen age, they should certainly consult their doctor about getting them now.
Many parents of teens are still unaware of the fact that Human Papillomavirus, also known as HPV, is a common virus that is spread due to skin to skin contact during any type of physical love activity with another person. It has been found in the study that HPV infection is common in people in their older teens and early 20s.
If HPV vaccine is not taken in the preteen age, it can result in severe consequences including cervical cancer, vaginal cancer and vulvar cancer in women and penile cancer in men. It has also been found in studies that HPV vaccine also prevent both men and women from anal cancer, genital warts and some head and neck cancers.
With the span of time, the social behavior has changed and parents of teens are now more aware and concern about their kids’ health. In order to protect their kids from severe problems, many parents of teens are now opting out of HPV Vaccine.