To lose weight and to stay fit is everyone's New Year resolution. Weight loss is on the top of everyone's personal list, but the only trouble is, it is easier said than done. From sauna slim belts to sweating for hours in the gym, we do everything that we can in our power to get rid of those extra kilos.
What we fail to understand is that we are what we eat. Hence, it is imperative to keep a check on what you eat in order to have a stable and healthy weight loss. While there are various fruits and vegetables which promise you weight loss, there is one fruit that stands out in the crowd. It is papaya.
Meet the fruit
Papaya is a tropical fruit which is easily available in Indian markets. This fruit is easier to prepare and delicious to eat. With its vibrant colour and sweet taste, it becomes an important ingredient in almost every fruit oriented dish.
Papaya is a wonder fruit as it has various minerals like vitamins A, C, and B, calcium, iron and phosphorous. It is good for your hair, skin and overall health.
This fruit is high in fibre and low in calories that is why it is perfect for weight watchers. Papaya has a lot of antioxidants as well. Papaya is one of the few fruits which can help you to get rid of the cellulite. Not just the pulp but the seeds and leaves of this fruit are also extremely beneficial. The juice of its leaves is given to the patients with high fever or other viral diseases like dengue. The seeds of papaya can treat kidney by eliminating toxins from it. They can also guard your liver against cirrhosis.
How does papaya work?
Most of the dieticians suggest their clients to include papaya in their daily diet if they want to lose weight. This fruit wouldn't cost you much but can fasten your weight loss. This is how it works:
- Papaya is rich in fibre and low in calories. This means that you will feel full as the fibres will help you to reach the satiety level faster and this will happen without adding the unnecessary calories.
- The fibres present in papaya helps to regulate bowel movements. Anyone with constipation is suggested to eat papaya regularly. However, pregnant women are advised against it.
- Papaya is a magical medicine for anyone who suffers from disturbed metabolism. Papaya easily regulates metabolic rate which aids weight loss. A disturbed metabolism is one of the main reasons why some people find it difficult to lose weight.
- Papaya detoxifies the body which is also proven to fasten weight loss process. When you detoxify, you help your body to get rid of the unwanted substances naturally. This helps your body to burn fat faster and more efficiently.
How to incorporate Papaya into your diet?
While it is fairly easy to consume papaya regularly, if you want to fasten your weight loss program, we have a 48 hours detox-papaya diet that you can follow. This diet is not very restrictive and allows you to enjoy other grains, fruits and vegetables as well. The only catch is to stay away from an artificial substance like refined sugar and soda and that the papaya should be fresh.
The following is a detox diet and should be followed only once or twice a month. For better results, it is always advised to follow the diet without any cheating. This papaya-detox diet lasts for 48 hours.
- Day 1 and Day 2 – Start your day with a glass of either oatmeal water or soya water. If you are not comfortable with either, you can take diluted almond milk in moderate quantity. Consuming some grains like wheat germ and flax seeds with milk or water is a good option. Follow this up with a small papaya. Just cut your fresh papaya in chunks and enjoy it without any dressing.
- Day 1 - Have a whole grain salad in which you can eat quinoa or brown rice cooked in vegetable broth. Top it up with tomato, olives, garlic and onion. Take a glass of fresh papaya juice with it.
- Day 2 – Avoid complex carbohydrates and bake an eggplant for yourself. Enjoy it with spinach and olive oil topping and a glass of fresh papaya juice.
- For the snack, you can either have a few cubes of papaya or you can make a smoothie with papaya pineapple and lemon juice. All these ingredients help weight loss.
- Day 1 – Make a clear soup with vegetable of your choice and enjoy it with a bowl of fresh papaya.
- Day 2 – Prepare some artichokes or zucchini with a little olive oil, salt and pepper. Team your cooked vegetables with a whole grain toast and a fresh papaya.
If you cannot follow this detox diets, there are a few alterations that you can make in your diet to reap the benefits of papaya.
- Consume papaya seeds first thing in the morning with water in the morning. This can be done for 15 days a week. Give it a rest and start again.
- Replace your evening snacks or dinners with a bowl of papaya. This will help you to add more fibres to your diet.
- If you are always on the go, make a papaya smoothie by blending in ingredients like pineapple, apple, orange and lemon juice. Replace it with any of your meals to cut down the calories.
- Instead of complex carbohydrates, use papaya as a base of your salads and cold soups.