Dehydration in summers is the most common problem especially here in our country as we are exposed to the scorching sun almost all the time. A lot of people get dehydration in summers and do not even bother about it but it should be kept in mind that dehydration in summers is a very serious issue. Even though it might not be as serious in the early stages but it can lead to many diseases related to skin and stomach. In some cases dehydration in summers can even prove to be fatal.
To prevent dehydration in summers, one must be sure of what really is dehydration in summers. Dehydration in summers is the phenomenon in which our body runs out of the required water level due to excessive sweating which happens because of exposure to heat and the sun. Dehydration in summers is basically the opposite of dropsy in scientific terms. The question arises how do we get to know if we are dehydrated or not?
The answer to this question is the symptoms that are very common in our country which help us know about our dehydration in summers. Sunken eyes, feeling really hot and getting hot flashes, skin dryness, dryness on lips, yellow urine, pimples on the skin and vomiting are some of the symptoms that let us know about us getting dehydration in summers. If these symptoms persist, the situation can get really worse.
So, the cure and prevention for dehydration in summers is drinking plenty of water. 8 to 10 glasses of water are necessary and you can exceed the amount if required. Water is the best medicine for dehydration in summers and staying away from the sun and avoiding sun and heat are also important to make dehydration in summers stay away from you. Keep a water bottle with you at all times and drink water regularly especially if you are outside your house.
Make fresh fruits and fresh juices a part of your eating habits in the summers as that definitely keeps you from having dehydration in summers. Reduce the amount of sodas and colas as they might look like thirst quenchers but, in reality they are one of the reasons why you get dehydration in summers. Take bath regularly or even twice a day and splash water on your face too. Wash your face with cold water whenever you get back home for a soothing effect on your face so that your body does not feel dehydrated from the outside.
We can already feel the scorching sun on our heads and it most definitely makes us want to beat the heat real bad.