The Evening started with a short documentary and visual glimpses of Pakistan titled “Pakistan-Beyond the headlines.” Following the short film the event showcased an exquisite collection of stylish intricate and colorful dresses by Ms.Nilofer Shahid. The elegance and eloquence of her style drew inspiration from Islamic and Moghul Art. She started from a little shop in 1978 and now owns Meeras, a leading fashion house based in Lahore.
Displayed at fashion shows in Paris, Milan and Dubai, Nilofer Shahid also blends her traditional work with contemporary moods and trends. Photography of the event event done by Greg Swales Photography.
Following the short film the event showcased an exquisite collection of stylish intricate and colorful dresses by Ms.Nilofer Shahid.
1. Pakistani Designer Nilofer Shahid’s Fashion Collection in Vancouver
Pakistani fashion designer Nilofer Shahid has launched its collection in Vancouver.