Recently, the first anniversary of the program, named Meena Bazaar Monday Masti Awards 2009, was celebrated with its full bloom at PC. The event was tremendously choreographed & produced by Asim Yaar Tawana and arranged by Qasim Yaar Tawana.
Two renowned Fashion brands of the Pakistani Fashion industry, ‘HSY’ by Hassan Sheheryar Yasin and ‘Nickie Nina’ by two sisters, showcased their designed philosophies. Many shining models of the country presented the designed work of the Fashion designers; Stylist ‘Babloo’ did the make-over the models.
Renowned Fashion brand of the Pakistani Fashion industry, 'HSY', showcased their designed philosophies. Many shining models of the country presented the designed work of the Fashion designers; Stylist 'Babloo' did the make-over the models.