Asimyar Tiwana presented a vibrant show titled, “COLORS OF PAKISTAN 2009” at the Sheraton Hotel showcasing the latest collection of the Fashion Icon Umar Sayeed along with Hajra Hayat, Rani Emaan & Goal. Bushra Aftab showed her intricate jewelery designs of Polki & diamonds. Styling & make up was done by Sobia Salon. Celebrated anchorperson Ayesha Sana hosted this immaculate QYT event, which was the annual fundraiser of Washington DC chapter of DIL (Development in Literacy). Photography was done by Naureen Bokhari.
Asimyar Tiwana presented a vibrant show titled, 'COLORS OF PAKISTAN 2009' at the Sheraton Hotel showcasing the latest collection of Gole. This fashion affair was organized by Qasim Yar Tiwana.
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1. Goal Boutique’s Fashion Collection in Colors of Pakistan 2009
Have a look on Goal Boutique’s fashion collection in colors of Pakistan 2009.