Young fashion designer, Sonam Parmar launched her latest collection, ‘Surreal Summer’ at the multi-designer fashion store, Amara earlier today. A beautiful evening of Fratelli wines, canapés, conversations and fashionable people created the perfect setting for the upcoming designer’s creative venture into the city’s hip fashion scene. Sonam’s signature style has oodles of fresh colours and an eccentric dose of bling.
She also strongly believes in magic, fantasy and miracles. Her upcoming collection – Surreal Summer follows a similar ‘whimsical’ theme. The collection exhibits motifs of unusual animals wearing jewellery with long eyelashes and pride on their faces, all this in a pastel colour palette.
Her collection include scrop tops, sets, summer skirts, shirt dress, boyfriend jackets, flowy open jackets, maxis and a lot more. In this collection, one will be able to see pigs wearing pearl necklaces, flamingoes that are flying, cupcakes with pearls and diamonds and much more… Sonam Parmar’s designs provide delightful company through day and night, prêt and couture, brunch or a red carpet charity gala.
Young fashion designer Sonam Parmar showcased her collection at the multi-designer fashion store, Amara.