Dr. Rashmi Shetty, a aesthetic physician has launched her book “Age Erase” in Mumbai, on Friday at Crossword bookstore. Bollywood actress Shruti Hassan and Jackky Bhagnani has attended the Launch of Age erase.
The book is informative in bringing light to skin care solutions. This book is comprehensive and insightful from simple home remedies to the scientific evidences in rediscovering youth.
Nargis Fakhri and Shipa Shetty also sared their skin related issues and how effectively it got resolved by Dr Rashmi. Moreover, this book shares all the grandmas’ secret for healthy skin.
Read the book now and get answers to your all W Questions in simplest, quickest and effective way. The book is gender inclusive and works for both sexes.
Dr Rashmi Shetty Launched the book Age erase for the first time in India, the launch attended by many writers, directors and showbiz artists.
1. Launch of Age Erase Book By Aesthetic Physician Rashmi Shetty
Dr Rashmi Shetty Launched the book Age erase for the first time in India.