At the launching ceremony of Ghazala and Zainab’s fashion label Kumash at the multi brand store THE DESIGNERS they showcased designs on ethnic color palate having intricate embellishments. style-Q did the styling of models and take11 handled the PR whereas anihta hashmi did the photography. Models Xeba Ali, Sherry, Maha, Nazia, fauzia and Marvi attended the show with other socialites such as Tehmina Khalild and Nida Yasir.
Ghazala and Zainab have launched their designer label Kumash at the multi brand store THE DESIGNERS. They presented some of their exclusive outfits at the launching event.
1. Kumash Debut Exhibition at Designer Store, Kumash Lawn Exhibition
Ghazala and Zainab have launched their designer label Kumash at the multi brand store THE DESIGNERS.
2. Kumash Debut Exhibition at Designer Store
Abeer, Fauzia, Ayza, Hafza, Asad, Saad and Ghazala
3. Kumash Debut Exhibition at Designer Store
Ajaz Ahad with Ghazala and Tayaba
4. Kumash Debut Exhibition at Designer Store
Asad Tareen, Nazia and Tehmina
5. Kumash Debut Exhibition at Designer Store
Asad Tareen with Nazia, Tehmina and Shahla Rehman
6. Kumash Debut Exhibition at Designer Store
Faiza with Tehmina and Shahla Rehman
7. Kumash Debut Exhibition at Designer Store
Fauzia Ayza, Asad, Adnan Pardesy, Shahla, Tehmina And Nazia
8. Kumash Debut Exhibition at Designer Store
Fauzia, Asad Ali, Habeeb and Yasmeen
9. Kumash Debut Exhibition at Designer Store
Ghazala with Ejaz and Aneeta
10. Kumash Debut Exhibition at Designer Store
Ghazala with Saad
11. Kumash Debut Exhibition at Designer Store
Humaira, Zainab and Ghazala
12. Kumash Debut Exhibition at Designer Store
Moiz Kazmi with Aneeta
13. Kumash Debut Exhibition at Designer Store
Mrs Anwer, Saad, Umaima and Osama
14. Kumash Debut Exhibition at Designer Store
Nazia, Sherry, Maha, Fauzia, Marvi and Xeba
15. Kumash Debut Exhibition at Designer Store
Nida Yasir
16. Kumash Debut Exhibition at Designer Store
Osama, Ghazala Farhat and Abeer
17. Kumash Debut Exhibition at Designer Store
Raheela, Mazhar Nizam, Saad and Sadia Ahsan
18. Kumash Debut Exhibition at Designer Store
Saad, Ghazala, Mr and Mrs Amin Zainab and Nabeel
19. Kumash Debut Exhibition at Designer Store
Yasmeen with Samiah
20. Kumash Debut Exhibition at Designer Store
Zainab, Ayesha, Humaira and Yasmeen
21. Kumash Debut Exhibition at Designer Store
Zainab, Nabeel and Ghazala
22. Kumash Debut Exhibition at Designer Store