DLF Emporio, India’s first and finest luxury destination, hosted an uber luxurious wedding extravaganza, ‘Treasury of Trousseau’. The four-day long wedding event saw a lot of traction from prospective brides and grooms who were styled by the renowned stylists Niharika Khan, Aki Narula and Mohan Neelakantan.
To kick start the event, a launch party was hosted on 28th July 2015 which unveiled the ‘Madapam’ designed by Klove in association with Swarovski.The colossal installation has over 44,000 Swarovski crystals with brass laser cut panels and klove’s signature form of expression of blown glass to create a 16 feet in diameter and 18 feet high Mandapam.
The evening witnessed some of the biggest names in the fashion industry such as Manish Arora, Surekha Jain, Monisha Jaising, Tarun Tahiliani, Suneet Varma, Anju Modi, Leena Singh along with our stylists’ Niharika Khan, Aki Narula and Mohan Neelakantan.
India’s first and finest luxury destination, DLF Emporio hosted an uber luxurious wedding extravaganza.