Asimyar Tiwana celebrated his birthday with style & glamour live on Hum TV’s morning show “Jago Pakistan Jago.” Also showcasing their collections on this fashion episode were designers Shazia Kiani and Goal by Fauzia Hammad.
The event is attended by many media and showbiz personalities included Abeer, Maha , Gia, Ayesha Sana, QYT, AYT, Nadia Hussain, Sanam Jung, Shazia Kiani, Rubab, Sunita Marshel, Fauzia Hammad, Fauzia Hammad and Zeba Ali.
Ayesha Sana & QYT specially flew in from Lahore to be part of this starry event. Styling was done by N.H Salon by Nadia Hussain.
The famous actor-director AYT celebrated his birthday live at Jago Pakistan Jago Morning show.
1. AYT Birthday Celebrations on Jago Pakistan Jago
The famous actor-director AYT celebrated his birthday live at Jago Pakistan Jago Morning show.
2. AYT Birthday Celebrations Jago Pakistan Jago
Abeer, Maha and Gia wearing Shazia Kiani
3. AYT Birthday Celebrations
Ayesha Sana and QYT
4. AYT Birthday Celebrations on Hum TV
AYT cutting his birthday cake
5. AYT Birthday Celebrations on Hum TV, Jago Pakistan Jago
Group Photo of AYT Birthday Celebration at Jago Pakistan Jago
6. Hum TV, Jago Pakistan Jago - AYT Birthday Celebrations
Maha and Nadia Hussain
7. AYT Birthday Celebrations Jago Pakistan Jago
Sanam Jung and AYT
8. AYT Birthday Celebrations
Shazia Kiani with Sunita and Rubab
9. AYT Birthday Celebrations on Hum TV
Sunita in Goal by Fauzia Hammad
10. AYT Birthday Celebrations on Hum TV, Jago Pakistan Jago
Sunita with Fauzia Goal
11. Hum TV, Jago Pakistan Jago - AYT Birthday Celebrations
Zeba Ali