Studio Nafay is Exclusive and Unique in every sense of style. It carries a vision of the 21st century and caters exclusively to beautiful people.
Studio Nafay is now moving one step ahead. The brand is integrating western and eastern styles, designs, embroideries, accessories and fabrics. The result is just awesome. While maintaining exclusivity, Studio Nafay producing dresses in a variety of silks, pure Velvets and other attractive fabrics that suits our beautiful people.
Studio Nafay into exclusive Party Wears, Casual Wears, Haute Couture, Belts and Trousers. If you are in search of complete exclusives, Studio Nafay is the only place to contact. We make what You want; how You desire to look; how You wish to be admired. The magic of Studio Nafay is enchanting, captivating, enthralling.