Bollywood stars dazzled at the 16th International Indian Film Academy (IIFA) awards, held over the weekend last week in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. After travelling to locations like London, Dubai, Macau, Toronto, Singapore and Tampa Bay, the IIFA extravaganza came back to Malaysia for the second time for its 16th edition.
It was yet another extravagant event at the IIFA awards. With the who’s who of Bollywood walking the green carpet in their glamorous best, Adnan Dhool (Soch-Lead Vocalist) and Rabi Ahmed (Soch-Lead Guitarist) made their presence felt and noticed at the green carpet and backstage for the awards. The wardrobe for both was by Republic by Omar Farooq and Waleed Peerzada-Faseeh.
Adnan Dhool and Rabi Ahmed (Soch) were nominated for the Best Music Direction. Battling a tough competition, other nominees included Vishal Bhardwaj for Haider, Mithoon, Yo Yo Honey Singh, Pritam, Arko Pravo Mukherjee for Yaariyan, Mithoon for Banjara, Zaroorat & Hamdard from Ek Villain, Ankit Tiwari for Galliyan from Ek Villain and Shankar-Ehsaan-Loy for 2 States.
Extended their hearties wishes to Shankar-Ehsan-Loy for winning the best director nomination in IIFA, Adnan Dhool said: ‘We are glad to be a part of the nomination, and are obliged and humbled by recognition and respect we got from everyone in B-town. It felt amazing to be the first one to represent Pakistan at the IIFA awards.
Rabi Ahmed, equally thrilled added: ‘It was a wonderful learning experience. We have ventured and soared into new horizons and being there as the only Pakistani’s from Pakistan, felt incredible.
The starry night was an affair to remember. Before you start dreaming about the event, here are pictures that prove that IIFA 2015 was one hell of a night.
SOCH Bang member made their presence felt and noticed at the green carpet and backstage for the IIFA awards.