A political union disrupted the superstar’s Shah Rukh Khan during the making of an ad. SRK found himself caught in one such situation where a political union disrupted the superstar’s ad shoot at Mehboob studios as the producer has supposedly roped in a bunch of foreign artists without seeking permission.
Shah Rukh was shooting for a commercial last Saturday night when a group of 50-60 political activists landed at the doorstep and threatened to stop the shoot. They objected to the producer roping in foreign artistes without permission and demanded to see their documents.
The studio bouncers and members of the production team prevented them from entering the set.
Upon this incident Arpan Fernandes, the line producer of the ad shoot revealed further details of the incident stating “The goons fled when the cops reached the studio. We had proper permission and work permit to rope in foreign artistes. Bandra police inspector Vilas Sutar was very supportive. I don’t have any issues with any political party, but the racket needs to be stopped”.
The political activists apparently asked for Rs 3-4 lakhs as fine following the hiring of foreign artists without any permission. The police was called and the shooting resumed post their visit.
Shah Rukh Khan disrupted by a political union during an ad shoot at Mehboob studios and created a havoc on the sets.