Beautiful Pakistani actress Sajal Ali gears up to make her big screen debut with Anjum Shehzad’s Zindagi Kitni Haseen Hai, her younger sister Saboor Ali also joins the film fraternity with Nabeel Qureshi’s Actor In Law.
After acting in hit TV serials such as Bunty I Love You and Rung Laaga, Saboor will now rub shoulders with big stars like Mehwish Hayat and Fahad Mustafa in the film.
"I’m playing the role of Fahad Mustafa’s sister in Actor-in-Law. Lubna Islam plays the role of our mother. In the story, no one in our family supports Fahad, and I’m the only one who helps him in everything he does," Saboor said about her character in the film.
"Nabeel Qureshi offered me this role. It’s a second lead, and [I’m good friends with] Nabeel and Fahad, so I accepted it. I’m very excited to do my debut film," she added.
Sajal’s director Anjum Shehzad is also helming Fahad’s first film production, Band Toh Ab Bajay Ga, so the film industry (or at least some parts of it) appears to be operating like one big family!
Sajal debuts in Zindagi Kitni Haseen Hai, while Saboor has bagged a role in Actor in Law