Bollywood actress Ameesha Patel has broken her silence on link-up rumors with Pakistani A-list actor, Imran Abbas in an exclusive conversation with Hindustan Times.
The Humraaz diva shared that she chuckled at these rumors. “I read them too and had a huge laugh about it. The whole thing is just crazy and full of silliness. I met my buddy after so many years. So, it was just a catch-up,” Patel told the publication.
The Kaho Naa… Pyaar Hai siren also spoke about the viral aforementioned video. She later posted the same video on her Instagram, which has apparently sparked dating rumors. “He happens to love that song of mine. It’s his favorite song… We just did an impromptu thing, which was recorded by a friend. It came out so cute, so we posted it. It was not planned,” she further shared.
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