Indian film actress Priyanka Chopra, who is in the news these days for her acting projects Bajirao Mastani and Quantico, said she would like to work in a Pakistani movie “provided the project is good.”
Talking to a News reporter, Priyanka said she wants to visit Pakistan frequently and would not let the opportunity of working in a Pakistani movie slip.
“I am an entertainer and will not turn down a good movie offer.”
Answering a question on the role artists can play in defusing tensions between Pakistan and India, she said that job rests with the governments of the two countries.
“You see, artists can only bring people closer, because they serve art and appreciation of art is universal.”
Mary Kom actress, who according to many critics outshined the leading duo (Ranveer and Deepika) in her latest Bollywood release, Bajirao Mastani, has also grabbed her first People’s Choice Awards nomination in the category of Favourite Actress in a New TV Series for her role of an American FBI agent in US TV series Quantico.
The show itself has been nominated in the Favourite New TV Drama category.
With hopes to win the public voted award, the former Miss World will also be one of the presenters at the ceremony scheduled for Wednesday.
People’s Choice Awards is the only major award show voted on entirely by the public for fan favourites in the entertainment industry, from music and television to movies.
Former Miss World pageant and bollywood actress Priyanka Chopra wants to work in good Pakistani film.