1. Nauman Ijaz, if you look back at your initial years, as an actor, what difficulties did you face?
Well frankly not too many; in fact hardly any that were insurmountable. Those over seeing my acting career were people of substance, and I had lot of admiration for them and picked up the finer points, as I got along.
2. Do you think you are a born actor?
The ingredients were certainly there, the significant one being the immense ‘lagao’ for this field even though I had gone through the normal academic route without much ado; schooling at Cathedral, a few years at F.C college and then Law at Punjab University, but there after Nauman Ijaz became an actor, and without any formal training to back me up I learnt the art of lucid and persuasive dialogue delivery.
3. In the beginning when you went through romantic scenes with heroines, was it a nervous time or did you take it in your normal stride?
Well I certainly was romantic and driven into a fondness for all the heroines, I worked with.
And some of them were so ravishingly beautiful and left me enamoured. But please don’t get me wrong here; the moral aspect that is so very essential in every decent relationship was always there, and while I gave them immense respect they also responded in the same way to Nauman Ijaz the actor.
4. Now that you are a celebrity and a known face in public, how do you adjust to the limelight and appear normal?
Somehow I have always had my finger on the pulse of life around me, and meeting new people and expanding relationship has always awed and excited me. And now as a celebrity I continue to feel active and alive.
5. Any embarrassing moments faced on account of your celebrity status?
Life is full of such incidents involving the near ones, the dear ones and even the distant ones, but I took them in my stride because there was no malice intended.
6. Your gurus in this line of business; who are they and do you still seek inspiration from them?
Well guru is too big a word and there are hardly any. Icons, there certainly are and Shahrukh Khan is one. But those who have inspired me are people loaded with skills and craft and thoroughly understand how to be successful. Seniors like Masood Anwar and Firdoos Jamal and quite a few directors and their finesse as artists is deeply ingrained on my mind.
7. How do you schedule your daily routine?
I have to pack a lot into my day and hence have injected considerable of self imposed discipline.
8. The busy shooting days, are they a bother?
No not at all and I wish I could work 365 days a year.
9. Your favorite actor, actress and director?
No, I have no favorite but any artiste who touches my soul becomes my favorite.
10. Will you share with us your family life?
First of all I am not Nauman Ijaz at home. And the one I consider the gift of God is Rabia, who is responsible for many of the good things in my life. She is better at protecting me than many guards, put together and has been there not only in my moments of triumph but also failures and helped to establish stable relationships.
And then Rabia and I are truly grateful to God for endowing us with Zariyan, now a grade 8 student, Shameen a grade 5 junior at Aitchison College and the little one Rayan, a kg pupil at Kids Campus.
I thoroughly enjoy my moments with them.
11. Your plans for the next three years?
I look forward to plenty of active and alive roles.
Well I certainly was romantic and driven into a fondness for all the heroines, I worked with. And some of them were so ravishingly beautiful and left me enamored.