Apart from Meer’s video scandal, it has also been revealed that Meera made a Nikah with Captain Naveed in October 2013. When the same Qs asked to Meera she said, “whatever Naveed is saying is right”. The world will soon come to know when I will get married; there is nothing to hide about it. The Ruksti will be in 2015. My Nikah ceremony was a family festive and before that she got engaged to him.
When asked to Meera about the video scandal, she said, ”I haven’t seen the video and i don’t want to comment on this. I hardly believe if I ever made such acts . Somebody has made it in a very polished way. Our youth is very much into internet and all; editing, morphing, fabrications are so very common. I don’t believe in all this. The world is technologically advanced and making pics and editing videos is a common practice nowadays."
She was also being asked why “You” why not Jawad Ahmed, Abrarul Haq, Aslam Dar and other related showbiz figures ever come up with such scandal?. It’s a fact that when an artist is facing low ranking, such tactics are used to get back into popularity. We have few examples like Veena Malik, Meera, Prianka and many others.
Meera replied” well I am working on a social cause and that’s why people can’t see me to become successful. When you are a celebrity bad and good news about you goes side by side. I am not upset with all this, but I would really want that these leaked videos must be tested from American laborites and then further steps should be taken."
She also added, “I need time to get marry, I want to take my project to its final execution. I am sure this scandal will create obstacles in my mission, but InshaALLAH I will not stop working. Me and Naveed don’t live together, we both are individuals and have individual goals, me and Naveed have good level of understanding."
Captain Naveed revealed, that “An unknown man was following Meera via emails and were blackmailing her. He also said that he won’t let Meera pursue her career any more. Naveed further added, his and her family got affected very much with this, and he instantly involved is father into this matter. And they are a report in township police station. And when successfully wants to initiate her hospital plans this scandal popped up."
He also added “people try to black mail you and put allegations on you when you are a celebrity. Whenever Meera tried to pursue her project, people try to stop her. When asked about his awareness with Meera engagement breaking news with Aqeel what was the response? Meera and Naveed replied it was very disturbing and affected their personal lives."
When asked who do you think is involved into all this Naveed said” when we got the numbers traced , the name of sim card holder, and verified the cnic it was “Saqib Shah”. Meera’s husband also blamed on Sohail Rashid who was ex PR manager of Meera while Meera replied” no I don’t think so he is behind all this, I always supported me, he is a good man so I don’t want to lay the blame game.
A journalist also participated in the discussion and when his opinion is taken regarding video scandal, he said, "there is a 50%-50% chances that this video is forged or real. We will pursue this case legally and make the American laboratory test this video."
At the end Meera concluded by saying “ if this has meant to happen it should have happened before, why now when I am trying so hard to support a charity cause, I will request all my viewers not to trust this news, it’s totally false.
In a special investigation interview conducted on the video release of Meera has created a lot of hype. The question lies, whether the video is fake or real, why it’s always Meera to come up with this scandal?