Actress Mahira Khan gave live updates from the award show using Facebook Live. She showed a few glimpse of the event including the stage and audiences.
Mahira Khan was briefly stopped at the backstage entry of Lux Style Awards by security officials and asked to get her pass first in order to witness the preparatory activities. This gives some clue about the strict security plan for the star-studded show.
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Nonetheless, the initial backstage entrance refusal looked more or less like a promotional stunt but gathered a lot of attention at social media. The 32-year-old actress gave live updates from the award show using Facebook Live. She showed a few glimpse of the event including the stage and audiences. She was earlier joined by Mikaal Zulfiqar and Sanam Saeed in the video.
According to Mahira herself, she hadn’t seen any of the preparations and looked surprised by the exquisite arrangements, both in terms of the set design and lined up performances. She said the stage gave her “weird nerves coming today” and called it “the most awesome feeling”.
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Mahira Khan couldn’t prepare for any performances but promised the viewers that they would witness amazing performances from popular names in the showbiz industry. Apart from meeting a few celebrities and choreographers, she shook a leg at "Shakar Wanda Ray" LSA is scheduled on April 19. A number of actors, singers and entertainers are expected to light up the night.