Shoaib Mansoor the film maker who brought Khuda Kay Liye and Bol to the film fans, has now reached out to the Bollywood diva Kareena Kapoor, as per reports.
As per earlier reports it appeared that Kareena was all out to move out offer comfort zone and do something different and get associated with a great name from the Pakistani film industry.
Kareena had all the regards for Shoaib Mansoor and his abilities as a film director and the respect was mutual. Her wish didn’t go unanswered because the moment the Pakistani director learned about this, he flew to offer a role in his next movie to Bebo, reported Mumbai Mirror.
I had only got married, needed time to go and be home with my husband, and so I elected to do only one or two movies annually. Now that I am settled, I wish to utilize brand new, intriguing directors," explained the performer.
Kareena has worked with nearly all the megastars in Bollywood and she believes it is time to work with different individuals and to break from her shell.
"After 15 years, I Have done the rounds with each of the Khans, and today it is time to escape my comfort zone," she added. We learn that Shoaib Mansoor’s next is a heroine-strange movie that’ll take off. Having given us strong pictures before, Bebo is all set for a memorable role.
Pakistani Director Shoaib Mansoor offered his next film to Bollywood beauty Kareena Kapoor.