Great news in these days of turmoil in indo pak relations. The bollywood Bebo, Kareena Kapoor khan will be starring in upcoming film Directed by the super pakistani director Shoaib Mansoor who is well known because of Khuda ke liye (Bol) fame.
In this Connection Kareena will be reaching Dubai this week and she and Shoaib will discuss the formal plot and there after get it to a legal relationship with the contract signing.
This news had already created a big buzz but there was no confirmation from Kareena’s end. Now however her spokesperson has confirmed the news.
“A few months ago, Shoaib Mansoor had emailed his concept to Kareena, saying that she will have a powerful role in the film,” said someone close to Kareena. “She liked the idea but wanted to read the script before giving her nod to the film. She will be the first A-list actor to work in a Pakistani project,” stated the source.
The source further added that Bebo was on the look out for some huge project that would yield some heavy financial gains. Now with shoaib’s Story in the offing, Kareena feels that the right moment has arrived.
Kareena has all the regards for Shoaib Mansoor and his abilities as a film director and the great thing is that this respect is mutual.
The news is that Shoaib’s next is a heroine-eccentric film, which will take off next year. Well, this is one collaboration that will definitely set the box office on fire.
Kareena Kapoor khan will be Starring in upcoming film Directed by the Shoaib Mansoor.