The latest actress to join the queue is Kareena Kapoor, who has reportedly got a jaw job done to get a softer look. According to news daily, the actress has gone for a softer look and her square-ish, masculine jaw now looks oval in shape. It is not easy to spot the change as it is not obvious and the ‘jaw job’ is very nicely done.
But if one compares the earlier pictures of the actress with recent ones, the difference is there for everyone to see, Although, our Bebo is discreet about the whole thing but the news broke out after she was spotted at the book launch of ‘3 Idiots‘, at a store in Lower Parel and during an event for a laptop brand that she endorses. The feminine and soft jaw line has enhanced the actress appeal manifold. Kareena is sure to deny the news but her jaw dropping act will surely give her away.
The glamour world induces celebrities to take extreme steps to enhance their looks.