The only internationally successful Pakistani film star, Humaima Malick, who has always turned down offers in the past to host events couldn’t say no to the opening of the mega Sindh Cultural Festival when approached by the organisers. The festival which commences on the first of Feb at Moenjo Daro, will be hosted by Humaima Malick who sounded very excited on having given this opportunity and said ‘I am very excited to be a part of this festival. I think it’s a great initiative by Bilawal and I wish him all best for addressing such an important subject. As a society, this was a much needed event to broaden our outlook and own our identities.‘
Humaima Malick, who is currently shooting Shaatir alongside Emraan Hashmi for Kunal Deshmukh and bagged 5 international best actress awards for debut movie Bol says ‘I consider myself a cultural ambassador of Pakistan when I set my foot abroad for work. Unfortunately I feel there is not much we have done to bring out our identities as a nation and specifically as a culture. Branding Pakistan on the international front has been ignored for a long time and this event is a tool to achieve that. I hope we get to see more such festivals in future. Bilawal earns my respect for his vision.’
The only internationally successful Pakistani film star, Humaima Malick, who has always turned down offers in the past to host events has chosen to host Sindh Festival recently.