Our very own Humaima Malick was spotted in London Partying in a nice Sequinned dress. She was with Vegas pop sensation Matt Goss member of the British band bros at a club in London.
We are sure that the trip was intended to be for personal reasons other than business reasons. The Bros singer didn’t look any less classy either in his black shirt and a cool hat. the party attires of the two complemented each others.
The two together has left us in doubt if there is something cooking between them. The handsome Vegas Bro have surely worked his magic on the Pakistani beauty. Humaima Malick we surely want you to give us some insight on this personal news. Is this going to become the talk of the town or remain an unnoticed news.
The handsome Vegas Bro have surely worked his magic on the Pakistani beauty. Humaima Malick we surely want you to give us some insight on this personal news.