This occasion marks the third time that the renowned fashion brand has participated in the illustrious Fashion Pakistan Week, previously presenting their “Midnight Mischief” menswear collection in 2011 and their “Urban Slick” menswear collection in the fourth iteration of the event.
“Spectacle Blanc”, an original collection by Arsalan and Yahseer, features trendy and sophisticated menswear for the fashion conscious urban man. The collection draws inspiration from the civilizations of North Pakistan and represents the manifestation of the designer’s interpretation of Kashmiri heritage and culture.
For this collection, Arsalan infuses the indigenous and time–honoured Kashidakari with multi–coloured needlework to create a majestic tapestry of traditional, yet modern attire. The collection encompasses a diverse spectrum of colours, featuring hues of azure, taupe, jade and lemon, which have been embedded into a blanket of “blanc”, meaning white cotton, line super 160’s and pashmina wool. The designer has created a slew of silhouettes that juxtapose the traditional with the contemporary, successfully transposing Kashmir onto latter-day Paris.
Speaking about his showcase for the Fashion Pakistan Week, Arsalan said ‘The collection strictly isn’t contemporary menswear like our last leather based collection. It’s more towards Avante Garde and couture. It’s genuinely conceived and very original. Like a baby!’
Arsalan and Yahseer, one of the leading menswear design houses in Pakistan, will be showcasing their latest collection titled "Spectacle Blanc" on the second day of the fifth Fashion Pakistan Week being held in Karachi from April 9 to April 10.