Zafar, who’s confirmed to do a role in Yash Raj Films’ latest flick with Imran Khan and Katrina, is doing his bit to contribute towards the Flood Relief in Pakistan. The show will have live performance of Ustad Rahat Fateh Ali Khan, Strings and Ali himself, who will also compose a special charity song for the show. Moreover, Ali is also sending invitations to Bollywood stars like Shahrukh Khan, Aamir Khan and Salman Khan to be a part of the show.
In addition to charity show, Ali has auctioned his paintings to donate for Pakistan Flood Relief. Painting was his first passion and he started painting right from his college days, but when he got busy with music he stopped painting.
The singer turned actor, Ali Zafar is planning to do a special charity concert in Lahore, Karachi and abroad.