Mahira Khan was in high spirits and looked forward to a cracking start in Bollywood through the release of Shah Rukh Khan’s film, Raees. But now with release delays becoming uncertain and opening date nowhere in sight, the cheerful optimism has started to fade.
Till a few months back Mahira Khan was considered a very fortunate one when news of her romancing Shah Rukh Khan in Raees hit the headlines. And quite rightfully Mahira, a big fan of Shah Rukh, was absolutely elated about her debut in Bollywood and that too opposite the King of Romance.
In this way she managed to join the ranks of Deepika Padukone and Anushka Sharma, who also were lucky enough to start their careers by starring with Shah Rukh in their first movie. However as luck would have it her sailing has come up with hurdles and blocks.
The movie Raees, was set for release on Eid day and was to coincide with Salman Khans release of Sultan ,thus setting in motion a big fight between the two stars at box office. That did not happen as Raees could not capture the release date and even now nothing is certain.
As for Mahira, she was most optimistic about a great kick off to her Bollywood career, once Raees got released .That has not happened and as a result she feels saddened and troubled. Media came to know that offers have come up for Mahira from other Bollywood sources, but these cannot be availed as contract conditions with the makers of Raees, place a bar on her from taking up other work till the release of Raees. The legalities have placed the Pakistani beauty in a tricky situation.
Efforts are in place to find a release date for Raees. Shah Rukh Khan himself has initiated various moves to get the movie released in January 2017. In this regard Shah Rukh Khan has even gone to the house of Rakesh Roshans to resolve professional issues, which perhaps is the first time SRK has done this. It is hoped that Success will be achieved in getting a release date for Raees which will bring relief to Mahira also whose career is up against the wall.
Shah Rukh Khan will be seen soon romancing actress Mahira Khan in his upcoming movie Raees