The model turned actor Iman Ali is all set to charm the silver screen through her role in the film Mah-e-Mir, she is simultaneously working on the possibility of picking up and doing a role in Bollywood. While talking to the Khaleej Times, this Khuda Kay Liye star who made a big impression then, took the liberty of offering her comments on Pakistani actors like Fawad Khan and Mahira Khan and how they have fared in acting undertakings across the border. “Everyone should follow their dreams and aspirations.
If our actors are doing well in Bollywood, why not? One should not put barriers on actors; we have forever been putting barriers and it has not done any good to anyone,” said Ali. Iman Ali was not hesitant about expressing her views and feelings about what she thought of those who like to follow their dreams and aspirations.
She wholeheartedly complimented Pakistani actors who are making a success of themselves in Indian cinema. She said “I am really happy for the ones who are doing good for themselves. All the best to them,” she further stated.
“As long as they are not going to India and making a fool of themselves or putting our nation to shame, as some have done, we shouldn’t take it personally. But those who want to make a fool of themselves let them do it, because they are not responsible for the whole of Pakistan.” However, Ali herself hasn’t planned to make her Bollywood debut as yet, as she believes everything happens at the right time. “I don’t think and plan. I think there is a divine plan and a divine planner in this existence of ours,” she said. “We can do the best that we can, with whatever that is thrown our way. Planning doesn’t work for me because I believe in the divine plan and that’s the design I want to go with. So wherever Divine Force take me, I shall go and be the best that I can,” she stated.
Actor Iman Ali has no plans of venturing into Indian cinema The post 'Some Pakistani actors make a fool of themselves in Bollywood.