Nadia Khan shared a YouTube video with her husband on February 7, in which she told the whole story of her first meeting with her husband and marriage. In response to the video, Faisal Mumtaz Rao’s ex-wife Lubna Farooq, who claims to be Faisal Rao’s second wife, uploaded a video on her YouTube channel and made several revelations about Faisal Rao.
Lubna Farooq further said that before marriage, Faisal Rao was claiming love for me, but his reality was revealed to me after marriage. In Dubai, Faisal Rao imposed many restrictions on me, did not allow me to meet anyone, and did not allow me to talk, I was left entirely alone.
After the marriage, it was revealed to me that Faisal had a lot of problems. He used to say that black magic was being performed on us, and this black magic was being performed by his first wife.
Faisal Rao also threatened to kidnap my son and said that my son would be picked up and dumped in Waziristan. Lubna also shared an audio message from Faisal Rao’s first wife in which she said it was in the nature of this man to harass a woman.
Lubna also revealed that Faisal Mumtaz Rao had been fired from his job as an Air Force pilot in Dubai and that he had blamed me for it. Things got so bad that after eight months of marriage, we separated, and interestingly, the very next month after our divorce, he got engaged to Nadia Khan.
Lubna said that the way Faisal Rao is becoming a hero and icon of women is not a hero, but he has made many blunders, ruined the lives of two women, lied, and committed fraud. I pray that he does not do all this with Nadia Khan now.