Sana Fakhar, often credited on the film screen as Sana, is a Pakistani film actress and model. Sana was introduced to the Lollywood film industry by director Syed Noor in his film Sangam in 1997. Sana won ‘Best Actress’ award at Nigar Awards in 2002 for her role Sitara in Yeh Dil Aap Ka Huwa.
Sana Fakhar Bashed On Social Media for her Liplock Photo
Thank you for reminding me how butterflies feel like 🦋❤️🧿
Many happy returns of the day my love! #mybestie #couplesgoals #LoveIsInTheAir #love #Timelesslove #mybestfriend #mysuperman— Sana Fakhar (@SanaSensation) January 22, 2021