Actress Deepika Padukone is one of the most popular actresses in Bollywood. The beauty has come a long way since her debut. But with fame comes some consequences too. It was a matter of shame that The Times of India (TOI), India’s biggest daily newspaper posted a video of Deepika’s cleavage, some years ago. The newspaper published a dated overhead shot of her, zeroing in on a low-cut dress. The caption read, “OMG, Deepika Padukone’s cleavage show.”
It was a matter of shame that The Times of India (TOI), India’s biggest daily newspaper posted a video of Deepika’s cleavage, some years ago. The newspaper published a dated overhead shot of her, zeroing in on a low-cut dress. The caption read, “OMG, Deepika Padukone’s cleavage show.”
YES!I am a Woman.I have breasts AND a cleavage! You got a problem!!??
— Deepika Padukone (@deepikapadukone) September 14, 2014
Supposedly India’s ‘LEADING’ newspaper and this is ‘NEWS’!!??
— Deepika Padukone (@deepikapadukone) September 14, 2014
Dont talk about Woman’s Empowerment when YOU don’t know how to RESPECT Women!
— Deepika Padukone (@deepikapadukone) September 14, 2014