Nadia Jamil is a Pakistani actress and host who is known for Meri Jaan, Raat Chali Hai Jhoom Ke, Balu Mahi and Behadd. After a short hiatus, Nadia returned to the small screen in a new project released in November 2019. The serial was titled Damsa and story was about child traficking.
Nadia Jamil Diagnosed with Cancer Again?
Cancer hasnt taken my smile away. All I need 2do is think of you,watch a tree in all its beautiful rooted strength,let the wind say hello or stare at clouds floating by.
A solid bowl of chanay ki daal w rice & a cuppa adrak qava helps🤗 Gratitude helps,your love helps,dua helps❤️— Nadia Jamil (@NJLahori) April 3, 2020
I may not be able 2 be as regular answering all your tweets 2 me. Sorry!
Sometimes I get v tired. Then I realise I need 2 reserve my strength so I can fight this illness & can eventually wave bye bye 2 my Cancer.
I cannot hate it. This 2 is teaching me some wonderful lessons!
— Nadia Jamil (@NJLahori) April 3, 2020