Meray Paas Tum Ho is a 2019 Pakistani tragic romance drama series produced by Humayun Saeed and Shahzad Nasib under their production banner Six Sigma Plus. Directed by Nadeem Baig and written by Khalil-ur-Rehman Qamar, the show stars Humayun Saeed, Ayeza Khan and Adnan Siddiqui in lead roles.
It was actually suspense that killed the cat.
All of these sound like a great ending to the controversial show that created all this fuss on social media, but when it came to Shehwar and Maham, the producers were like:
And we don’t blame them! The show had gotten a lot of negative criticism for being biased against women. The pre-written story of Maham and Shehwar concluded with Maham forgiving Shehwar and moving on together. And that would have raised a lot of questions.
None of the KRQ’s women showed strength of character through out the drama.
And in the end Maham was willing to forgive Shehwar, but he was ‘man enough’ to impose punishment on himself whereas #mehwish was shown to have no self respect #MerayPaasTumHo— huma saeed (@humasaeed15) January 26, 2020
Of course, it sounds like a smart decision to delete the said scene. But one person had already predicted that end in one of her tweets:
Oh and if you pay attention to the side cast its obvious what the story ender is going to be, Hania and Danish will Mary, Mehwish will be alone and Maham and Shehwar will mend. I think Duhhh
— Asra Qadeer (@AsraQadeer) January 18, 2020
That’s right they were going to mend things, but the team of MPTH had a change of heart.
Do you think this deleted scene from Mere Paas Tum Ho should have been a part of the end? Or was suspense the icing on the cake for you? Let us know!