Sameera Reddy is pregnant with her second child with husband Akshai Varde, and the actress is on cloud nine. As she gets closer to her due date, her family and friends decided to make things special for her and organised a baby shower for her. Sameera’s photos from the celebration show that it was nothing less than fun and was full of love and warmth. The baby shower was an intimate affair and was attended by her family and close friends. The actress shared photos and videos from the celebration on her Instagram account earlier today. She shared a family photo captioned, “Hearty laughter and inner smiles are enough to keep me happy for a lifetime! My Godh Bharai Bliss”.
Sameera also shared a portrait photo of her, smiling ear-to-ear, in a floral backdrop and captioned it, “Smile and the universe smiles with you.” She also thanked her designer for the custom Kanchipuram sari that she was wearing for the event and looked radiant in it. The actress opted to tie her hair in a bun with a mid parting. Her subtle makeup and heavy yet classy jewellery made her look like a true Indian beauty.
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Sameera also shared some adorable moments in her Instagram story, including a video of her laughing with abandon, along with both her “mothers”, and captioned the story, “My two amazing moms.” The stories included photos of her with her son, Hans Varde, and a royal Indian feast. She also thanked her mother-in-law for an incredible copper dinner set in one of her stories.