Actor Sunny Deol’s son Karan Deol is all set to make his Bollywood debut with the movie ‘Pal Pal Dil Ke Paas’. Everyone has kept their eyes are on him as he has to carry his family’s legacy forward. Before debut, the actor’s son enjoys a great fan following on social media. On May 12 (Mother’s Day) Karan shared a major throwback picture with his mother.
Since he has shared the picture on social media, it’s going viral as we don’t get to see the picture of Sunny Deol’s wife Pooja Deol. It was after a really long time his mother’s picture surfaced on social media. Wishing his mother on a special day “Without you in my life I’m helpless… To me, you’re always perfect “.
In this rare picture, Baby Karan and brother Rajvir sitting on their mother’s lap.
See the post below:
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Without you in my life I’m helpless… To me you’re always perfect #HappyMothersDay mom
Also, fan clubs have even shared a throwback pictures of sunny along with his family
Have a look:
. @IAMSUNNYDEOL with wife Pooja Deol ,son Karan deol & Rajvir Deol .. #RARE @sowika71 @TeamDeol @SilcharAdians
— Sunny Deol Army (@ActionKingAgain) September 2, 2016
The couple tied a knot in 1984 and is blessed with two sons. Pooja is a private person and keeps away from the glittery world. Also, now and then rumors keep surfacing about Sunny Deol’s affair with Dimple Kapadia and that is the reason his wife remains lowkey. On the work front, Karan Deol will be seen in the movie which is helmed by his father and it is slated to release on July 19.