Rumoured couple Shibani Dandekar and Farhan Akhtar occupied a spot on list of trends all of Tuesday after pictures from their Mexico vacation surfaced on social media. Neither Shibani nor Farhan have shared pictures from the vacation on their official Instagram accounts. However, several fans clubs have curated the posts, which are now going insanely viral. Shibani looks pretty in a brown bikini as she smiles with all her heart in the pictures. In one of the photographs, Shibani can be seen curled up in Farhan Akhtar’s arms and the couple seems to be in a jovial mood.
Take a look at the viral pictures here:
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Imma be right here! ‘Mexico 19’ #thatbrowngirl photo cred @faroutakhtar 🌴
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🌈 @faroutakhtar #javedakhtar @abheetgidwani @ankurtewari @thesubaya 📸 @sandymridul 🌟
Farhan Akhtar and Shibani Dandekar have been dating for almost a year now. However, they have neither confirmed nor denied the reports of their relationship. Farhan was earlier married to celebrity hair stylist Adhuna Bhabani. They are parents to daughters Shakya and Akira.