Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh’s wedding countdown has begun and their fans in India are eagerly waiting to get glimpses or inside scoops from Villa del Balbianello, Italy. Deepika and Ranveer have requested privacy and implemented a no-phone rule for the guests at their wedding. Ranveer and Deepika got officially engaged in a Konkani traditional Phool Muddi ceremony on November 12, 2018.
While there are constant updates about the rituals and ceremonies of Deepika and Ranveer’s wedding, we are craving to get glimpses of how wonderful our Bajirao and his Mastani are looking at their union. Here are some videos straight from Villa del Balbianello, Italy, and as reported by media portals, Deepika and Ranveer are finally married in the Konkani wedding.
Deepika and Ranveer are supposed to get married in two wedding ceremonies- one in Konkani and the other in Punjabi-Sindhi. A source told a media house earlier, “Since Deepika is a South Indian and Ranveer is of Sindhi-Punjabi origin, the two families decided to follow customs practised by both communities. A South Indian wedding has been planned for November 14, complete with Kannadiga rituals. The next day will see the couple solemnise their relationship as per the customs of a North Indian wedding.”
Speaking about the mehendi and sangeet ceremony of Deepika and Ranveer, a source shared with Pinkvilla, “The ambience at the event was electric. Ranveer Singh has enjoyed the most at the Mehendi ceremony. He danced his heart out while his lady love was busy getting the Mehendi done. Old songs were being played. First Shubha Mudgal performed, followed by Harshdeep Kaur. Romantic songs, ghazals and sufi songs were performed. Followed by a performance by Ranveer. He also danced on the beats of dhol.”
As per the source, Deepika got emotional and broke down after Shubha Mudgal’s performance, and her soulmate Ranveer consoled her, hugged her and made her smile again. An online tabloid claimed, “Shubha Mudgal was performing a thumri when Deepika Padukone got emotional and was in tears. When she broke down, Ranveer, who could understand her emotional state, walked up to her and hugged her tight and consoled his lady love. He ensured she was smiling again with all his crazy love antics.”