The story is set against a backdrop of political intrigue revolving around a family that suffers from love, hate, selfishness and deceit. Sardar Jahanzaib is a policital leader who kills his second wife for political gains. The murder results in a psychologically devastated daughter Hira.
There is also a parallel track in which Ayaz and Nadia, hailing from two opposing political camps, run away from their families to get married. Ayaz’s father forgives him and introduces the couple to his close friend Sardar Jahanzaib where they meet Hira. Will this chance meeting bring a difference in their life or will it bring a problem in couple’s life instead?
Directed by: Asad Malik
Written by: Syed Wasi Shah
Production: Gemstone Production
Cast: Haya Sehgal, Fazila Qazi, Mazhar Ali, ZQ, Sara Khan, Farah Shah, Anas Aleem, Behroz Sabzwari, Shehroz, Sanam Ch, Saleem Sheikh.
Time and Day: Monday to Thursday at 6:50PM
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