The story revolves around Hadia who has a rare mental illness called anotomina. Hadia’s grandmother keeps her under strict surveillance owing to her mental state. The story takes a turn when Hadia is attracted to her cousin Zamin who is engaged. He breaks off his engagement to marry Hadia. The break-up impacts the family’s attitude towards the couple and Hadia feels responsible for this and starts to avoid Zamin. To find out how Hadia’s mental state impacts her life, watch ‘Mein Deewani’ on HUM beginning from February 1.
Directed by: Abbis Raza
Written by: Faiza Iftikhar
Production: Momina Duraid
Cast: Sania Shamshad, Dr Fahad, Tipu Sharif, Rabab Hashim, Lubna Aslam, Mahmood Aslam, Jamal Shah and Samina Ahmed
Day and time: Every Saturday at 8 p.m.
1. Food For Eyesight
Eyes are the most important part of your health and taking proper care of eyes is also essential as you care for other parts of body.If you want to have clear vision without making any effort then improve your eating habits. Eat healthy food for clear eye
2. Indoor Plants Decor For Drawing Room
Drawing room is most beautiful place in a home and a lot of effort is done by people to retain its beauty. Indoor plants are decorative tool that are used to enhance the beauty of drawing room. Indoor plants not only maximize the beauty of your drawing ro
3. Study: Many Parents of Teens Opting Out of HPV Vaccine
With the span of time, the social behavior has changed and parents of teens are now more aware and concern about their kids’ health. In order to protect their kids from severe problems, many parents of teens are now opting out of HPV Vaccine.
4. Food For Healthy Hair
Luckily, you can make your hair healthy from the inside out by eating nutrient packed foods that promote strength and shine. There are many foods that offer essential vitamins and proteins which are necessary for healthy hair.
5. How To Decor Your Terrace
Don’t you just love to spend some relaxing moments on your terrace after a tiring day at work? Bring dashing style along with comfort onto your terrace and make it a more comfortable place f your house. Here are some ideas for the decoration of your ter
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Ladies should know the most common miscarriage causes because when they are aware they will take care of their health before and after pregnancy. The need is to identify the common causes. The problem of the causes of miscarriage can only be solved by the
7. Second Baby Coming? Prepare the First Child
Here are some suggestions for you so that you can prepare your first child for the new baby. Considering following steps will help you prepare your older child for new baby so that your child feels promoted, not replaced. These steps can also help you eas
8. Best Ornamental Grasses
Decorating home and garden is an art indeed. Grass is the most important part of any garden. Grass must be decorative and beautiful that looks pleasant to eyes. Ornamental grass decoration will definitely add to the beauty of your garden.
9. How To Stay Close With Long Distance Grandparents
The grandparent’s relationship so lovable and important to kids (and to parents). No matter wherever they reside they expect their grand children to adore them and maintain the constant follow-up.
10. Chicken Tikka Pizza
Pizza is a very delicious food item which is liked by majority of people all over the world. Pizza is available in different varieties with different taste and recipes. Here is a recipe of chicken tikka pizza that is a combination of eastern and western t
11. Decor Your Home with Old Furniture
Only little effort and some innovative ideas can transform your home into a great new look by using old furniture. Here are some ideas that you can use to make your home beautiful in a unique and creative way. In this way you can turn your imaginations in
12. Understanding Gum Sores
Gum sores are very common but majority of people neglect them if they don’t feel pain in gums. Redness, swelling, bleeding are the signs of gum sores. You have to understand the reasons and symptoms of gum sores so that you can take care of your gums an
13. Boys’ Misbehaviour In Class Linked To Lower Grades
In the modern world radical changes in attitude of teachers and students both have entirely transformed the environment of learning. The fact remains that the students especially boys’ misbehaviour in class is linked to lower grades.
14. Benefits of Lemon
Lemon is commonly used around the world for food, medicinal and cosmetics purposes. Majority of people have no idea about amazing benefits of lemon. Lemon is very beneficial for you. Check out few benefits of lemon that will assist you in improving your p
15. How To Decorate A Nursery On The Arrival Of A New Baby
Are you a new a mother or father or one to be soon? Becoming a parent invites a number of ideas come in your mind according to the needs of your baby. Decoration of nursery on the arrival of a new baby can be a fun and rewarding experience for you.