Something we all know but have never paid much attention is the part of Kashmir called Azad, meaning freed, liberated and what not. Though a part of Pakistan is still not a park of Pakistan. It possesses its own independent parliament, its own independent head of the state and its own independent governing institutions, all elements that make it a separate state, away from Pakistan. This state was initially taken into consideration in 1990 after the India Pakistan partition in 1947. It was when our current prime minister Nawaz Sharif declared occupation of this now independent state as something in their charge to be taken from India. They wanted this state to be freed from the tyranny India had on it. Upon its demand Kashmir was declared an independent state and PPP, Pakistan people’s party declared February 5th as the national holiday. Since then on this day as been an official government holiday all over the country.
All institutes, all offices, all schools, all colleges are observed close on this day to celebrate Kashmir’s freedom that occurred in 1990. The buses are blocked and not given any access, public transport is made unavailable so that streets can be blocked and respected processions can be made based on the declaration made in 1990 over Kashmir’s freedom from Indian hold. It is a day of protest over India’s holds on Kashmir something that has always been a core construct of conflict between the two neighboring countries. This given issue has lead the two countries to face each other head on in three respected wars and submit a massive chunk of their national income to defending the state of India’s hold. It has always been the major reason of conflict between the two countries as one was to declare its strong hold over it due to which Kashmir is always targeted as a highly active nuclear ground. Whereas on the other side Pakistan intends for it to be left alone and live independently without the impact of the tyranny superimposed by India.
This day therefore holds great symbolic significance. It has always been considered a heaven on earth in Pakistan due to its scenic beauties however it is being rid of it through the nuclear attacks. There is recurrent unrest and anxiety that seems to see no end ever since 1990 the declaration was announced. It holds symbolic significance to emphasize as to how something so beautifully constructed for the pleasure of the human eye and soul is being engulfed in flames only so it can be possessed and called a property by India. This day therefore focuses its attention as to how the rights of the Kashmiries and the people living there as a state matter. It depicts the importance of its peace and serenity to be resorted and maintained. It is almost an outcry to preserve what is left of an absolutely beautiful state and its beautiful people.
To establish this solidarity all over the country, on this holiday several texts are shared to share the mutual feeling for Kasshmir’s behalf, a very well known one is
“Tu Ne Ujri Hui Jannat Ko Na Daikha Ho Tou
Aa Mere Ujrey Howa Bikhrey Howa “KASHMIR” Ko Daikh…
Dedicated To SELF DETERMINATION in Kashmir.”