The leading music reality show Pakistan Idol “Jo hai Dil ki Awaaz” is all set to start with the second phase. The contestants selected by the legendary judges will be appearing in the next level and this will be much tougher than before.
The contestants are all set to perform in the theatre round of Pakistan Idol where the selected 86 contestants from all over Pakistan will be fighting to get selected for the next levels and move ahead in their journey of Pakistan Idol.
Started from the first week of December, 2013 and completing a whole audition journey the judges have selected the bests from all around the country , but it’s time for the selected contestants to further prove themselves and impress the three judges with their beautiful voices.
The three Judges, Hadiqa, Bushra & Ali Azmat have given their best and selected the best talent throughout Pakistan. This journey seemed very tough for the judges and whole team Idol to bring the hidden talent of Pakistan under one platform and now this is going to be the second phase of the Idol journey.
Pakistan Idol has already conquered many hearts during the auditions and there is a lot more to come. This Friday and Sunday it’s going to be the theatre round between the judges and the selected voices of Pakistan.